Celebrating James Clark, A Jazz Jam Session

Mon, May 20

No longer on sale

Celebrating James Clark, A Jazz Jam Session Cover

"You may know Mr. James Clark as the friendly jazz aficionado who hangs out at Caffe Vivace. Mr. Clark also happens to be descended from the Hemings and Fossett families, enslaved men and women who helped run Thomas Jefferson’s plantation, Monticello. Once they obtained their freedom, his ancestors traveled to Cincinnati, established successful businesses, participated in the Underground Railroad, and worked hard to help their community. Mr. Clark’s family is the subject of a new exhibit going into the Walnut Hills library, and on May 20th, opening night, we’re celebrating the exhibit and Mr. Clark with a jazz show jam session. Vocalist Emily Grace Jordan, Jordan Pollard on piano, Matt McCoy on bass, and Alex Merk on drums will lead the pack. They’ll be playing a variety of jazz standards, American songbooks, and Latin and Brazilian tunes. Come by, bring your instrument, and jump in. Let’s show some love for Mr. Clark and Caffe Vivace!"