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Joe Duran's Projections explores a variety of musical traditions through the lens of jazz composition. Eric Lechliter — trumpet Spencer Merk — trombone Joe Duran — alto saxophone Billy Wolfe — tenor saxophone Phil Hilger — baritone saxophone Brandon Coleman — electric guitar Emily Jordan — vocalist Dan Karlsberg — piano Aaron Jacobs — bass Tom Buckley — drums Joe Duran's Projections explores a variety of musical traditions through the lens of jazz composition. Arrangements of French impressionist music give way to blistering electronica-inspired originals, jazz standards are deconstructed until entirely unrecognizable, and favorites from the film music canon find themselves thoughtfully reimagined. While a love of big band music is an apparent motivation for the material, the reduced scope of the five-horn group brings its individual members' efforts into focus, which are as soulful as they are virtuosic. A $15 drink/food minimum is charged per person in the party, per set, if the total for beverages purchased by the party does not meet the minimum. Important Notices: If you do not check in by 15 minutes into the start of the set, we reserve the right to resale your seats with no refund. Refunds must be requested 24 hours before the start of the performance.